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OpenSoundControl for Lua Build Status

OpenSoundControl pack and unpack for Lua.

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MIT license © Ross Bencina 2013, Gaspard Bucher 2014.

Web page for oscpack.


With luarocks:

$ luarocks install osc

Supports sending basic Lua values and (nested) lua tables either as Array or Hash. A table with both numeric and string keys is treated as an array.

WARN This implementation does not support sending binary data.

Usage example

local osc = require 'osc'
local data = osc.pack('/some/url', true, 2, {foo = 'bar'})
-- ... send ... receive
local url, a, b, c = osc.unpack(data)

.VERSION = '1.0.1'

Current version respecting semantic versioning.


"lua >= 5.1, < 5.4"

Compatible with Lua 5.1 to 5.3 and LuaJIT

'lub >= 1.0.3, < 2.0'

Uses Lubyk base library


Class methods

.pack (url, ...)

Pack an url with values into a binary string ready to be transmitted.

local data = osc.pack(url, value1, value2)

.unpack (data)

Unpack binary data into lua values. This is a multi value return function:

local url, value1, value2 = osc.unpack(data)


This is a simple UDP client (based on lens.Socket) to send OSC messages.


This is a simple UDP server (based on lens.Socket) to receive OSC messages.