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The Inspector 'knows' about the functions and classes and can answer queries.

.new (opts)

Create a new inspector by providing sources to scan. All upercase fields in opts correspond to options used by Doxygen. The opts table can contain the following keys (keys in parenthesis are optional):

INPUT List of source files separated by spaces (doxygen format). The sources can also be passed as a table.
(html) Generate html documentation along the way (implies keep_xml).
(keep_xml) Keep xml generated by Doxygen (used for debugging purposes).
(Doxyfile) Custom Doxyfile to pass to Doxygen parser.
(PREDEFINED) Defines to use by Doxygen during parsing (usually to remove unwanted clutter from "ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16" or "SIMD_FORCE_INLINE" kind of macros.
(doc_dir) Directory to store generated xml and html.
(ignore) List of root level classes or functions to ignore.

.DOXYGEN_CMD = 'doxygen'

The command used to call doxygen.

:find (name)

Return a class or function from its name. A class in a namespace is queried with 'foo::Bar'. Uses dub.MemoryStorage.findByFullname.

:children ()

Return an interator on all children known to the inspector (can be a function or class). Uses dub.MemoryStorage.children.

:resolveType (name)

Try to follow typedefs to resolve a type. Uses dub.MemoryStorage.resolveType internally.