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This object executes the provided method when it is garbage collected.

WARN Avoid using this as much as possible. Only use if you have no other way to do what you need. It is very easy to create complicated bugs when doing too much work in the finalize function.

As a rule of thumb:

  • Only call and use objects that would not die in the same garbage collection cycle.
  • Never call C functions (would crash).

Usage example:

local fin = lens.Finalizer(function(self)
  print( .. ' is dying')
end) = 'Old self'

fin = nil


--> "Old self is dying"

.new (func)

Create a new finalizer object with the callback provided by finalize function. The callback can be changed later by assigning a new function to self.finalize. Created objects act like tables and all kinds of data can be linked to them. Please read warning about what can and cannot be done inside the finalize function.

:finalize ()

Method called on object garbage collection.