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Lubyk documentation

Build configuration generator

This class helps setup CMake and luarocks configuration files from a single configuration table and some conventions regarding file location.


Lua files

Lua files all live into a folder with the same name as the library's "require" name ('library type'). The library itself is named "init.lua":

[library type]
  + init.lua
  + SomeClass.lua


All assets files (css, templates, etc) that need to be installed along with lua files should live into "[library type]/assets":

[library type]
  + assets
    + style.css
    + etc

C++ headers

C++ headers live inside the "include" folder. Vendor headers needed by the project can live in "src" folder.

  + [library type]
    + SomeClass.h

C++ source files

Source files live into "src". Generated bindings in "src/bind". Platform specific files in "src/[plat]".

  + bind
    + dub
    + [library type].cpp
    + [library type]_SomeClass.cpp
  + SomeClass.cpp
  + macosx
    + SomeClass.cpp  -- macosx specific code for the class
  + linux
    + SomeClass.cpp

Configuration format

All table fields have detailed descriptions below.

type the name of the library used with 'require'.
DESCRIPTIONa table with descriptive fields.
VERSION version string respecting semantic versionning (ex. '2.3.1').
DEPENDS a table with a list of dependency information.
BUILD a table with build information.


The description entry contains basic information on the library displayed in software distributions such as luarocks.

summary a short summary (think "long title").
detailed a couple of phrases describing the library (not a full documentation)
homepage the url where the full documentation is located (starts with 'http').
author author name.
maintaineroptional maintainer name (author is used if this is not set).
license license.


A version string with MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH numbers. Major number changes can introduce backward incompatible changes. Minor changes add features without breaking compatibility and patch changes do not change the API (bug fixes, code improvements).

Every released version must be tagged with 'REL-[Major.Minor.Patch]' tag.


A list of strings defining dependency. The format of a dependency is:

'[library type] >= [min version number], < [max version number]'


'[library type] ~> [major number]'


github name of github account (for source url) (can be replaced by source)
url full url to "tar.gz" file for this version. Not needed if github is used and version tagging is respected.
dir name of extracted source directory. Only needed with url.
includes list of header include paths (relative to project root).
librarieslibraries common to all platforms.
sources optional list of C/C++ files to include in build. Can contain * (such as src/vendor/*.cpp) to glob. Can also contain ${PLAT} for platform specific directories (ex. src/${PLAT}/*.cpp).
platlibs platform specific library dependencies.
platdefs platform specific defines.
pure_lua set to true if the library does not contain any C/C++ code.


Here is a complete example taken from lens scheduler library. Actually, for all lubyk libraries, the configuration table is the library itself (all fields exist in the library table).

local builder = lut.Builder {

  type = 'lens',

    summary = "Lubyk networking and scheduling.",
    detailed = [=[
      lens.Scheduler: core scheduling class.

      lens.Poller: fast poller with nanosecond precision.

      lens.Thread: threading class to use with scheduler.

      lens.Timer: precise non-drifting timer.

      lens.Finalizer: run code on garbage collection.

      lens.Popen: pipe working with scheduler (non-blocking).
    homepage = "",
    author   = "Gaspard Bucher",
    license  = "MIT",      

  VERSION = '1.0.0',

    'lua >= 5.1, < 5.3',
    'lub ~> 1',

  BUILD = {
    includes  = {'include', 'src/bind'},
    libraries = {'stdc++'},
    platlibs = {
      linux   = {'stdc++', 'rt'},
      macosx  = {
        '-framework Foundation',
        '-framework Cocoa',

Class functions

.new (config)

Create a new builder object from a configuration table (see above for config format and options).


:make ()

Generate files.