
:renderQueueFlush (cam)

-- Module definition

local lib = { type = 'four.RendererGL32' } lib.__index = lib four.RendererGL32 = lib setmetatable(lib, { __call = function(lib, ...) return end })

local ffi = require 'ffi' local gl = local lo = local Buffer = four.Buffer local Geometry = four.Geometry local Effect = four.Effect local Texture = four.Texture local V2 = four.V2 local V4 = four.V4 local M4 = four.M4

-- h2. Constructor

-- @RendererGL32(super)@ is a new GL32 renderer, @super@ is a @Renderer@ object. local self = { super = super, limits = { max_vertex_attribs = 0 }, buffers = {}, -- Weakly maps Buffers to their gl buffer object id geometries = {}, -- Weakly maps Geometry object to gl geometry state effects = {}, -- Weakly maps Effects to their gl shader program id textures = {}, -- Weakly maps Textures to their gl texture object id programs = {}, -- Maps program sources to a weak reference of it program. queue = {}, -- Array of maps from effects to lists of renderables next_active_texture = 0, world_to_camera = nil, camera_to_clip = nil, camera_viewport_origin = nil, camera_resolution = nil } setmetatable(self.buffers, { __mode = "k"}) setmetatable(self.geometries, { __mode = "k" }) setmetatable(self.effects, { __mode = "k"}) setmetatable(self.textures, { __mode = "k"}) setmetatable(self.programs, { __mode = "v"}) setmetatable(self, lib) return self end

local typeGLenum = { [Buffer.FLOAT] = lo.GL_FLOAT, [Buffer.DOUBLE] = lo.GL_DOUBLE, [Buffer.INT] = lo.GL_INT, [Buffer.UNSIGNED_INT] = lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, [Buffer.BYTE] = lo.GL_BYTE, [Buffer.UNSIGNED_BYTE] = lo.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }

local typeGLenumIsInt = { [lo.GL_FLOAT] = false, [lo.GL_DOUBLE] = false, [lo.GL_INT] = true, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT] = true, [lo.GL_BYTE] = true, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE] = true }



local texTargetGLenum = { [Texture.TYPE_1D] = lo.GL_TEXTURE_1D, [Texture.TYPE_2D] = lo.GL_TEXTURE_2D, [Texture.TYPE_3D] = lo.GL_TEXTURE_3D, [Texture.TYPE_BUFFER] = lo.GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER }


local texWrapGLenum = { [Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE] = lo.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, [Texture.WRAP_REPEAT] = lo.GL_REPEAT }

local texInternalFormatGLenum = { [Texture.R_8UN] = lo.GL_R8, [Texture.R_32F] = lo.GL_R32F, [Texture.RG_8UN] = lo.GL_RG8, [Texture.RG_32F] = lo.GL_RG32F, [Texture.RGB_8UN] = lo.GL_RGB8, [Texture.RGB_32F] = lo.GL_RGB32F, [Texture.RGBA_8UN] = lo.GL_RGBA8, [Texture.RGBA_32F] = lo.GL_RGBA32F, [Texture.SRGB_8UN] = lo.GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, [Texture.SRGBA_8UN] = lo.GL_SRGB8, [Texture.DEPTH_24UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, [Texture.DEPTH_STENCIL_24UN_8UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, [Texture.DEPTH_32F] = lo.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, [Texture.DEPTH_STENCIL_32F_8UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 }

local texFormatGLenum = { [Texture.R_8UN] = lo.GL_RED, [Texture.R_32F] = lo.GL_RED, [Texture.RG_8UN] = lo.GL_RG, [Texture.RG_32F] = lo.GL_RG, [Texture.RGB_8UN] = lo.GL_RGB, [Texture.RGB_32F] = lo.GL_RGB, [Texture.RGBA_8UN] = lo.GL_RGBA, [Texture.RGBA_32F] = lo.GL_RGBA, [Texture.SRGB_8UN] = lo.GL_RGB, [Texture.SRGBA_8UN] = lo.GL_RGBA, [Texture.DEPTH_24UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, [Texture.DEPTH_STENCIL_24UN_8UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, [Texture.DEPTH_32F] = lo.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, [Texture.DEPTH_STENCIL_32F_8UN] = lo.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL }

local vec_kind = 1 local mat_kind = 2 local samp_kind = 3

-- N.B. this includes more types than is allowed in GL 3.2, list taken from -- GL 4.2. Apparently they don't know about parametric polymorphism. local uniformTypeInfo = { [lo.GL_FLOAT] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 1, bind = lo.glUniform1f, glsl = "float" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_VEC2] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 2, bind = lo.glUniform2f, glsl = "vec2" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_VEC3] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 3, bind = lo.glUniform3f, glsl = "vec3" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_VEC4] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 4, bind = lo.glUniform4f, glsl = "vec4" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "double" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_VEC2] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "dvec2" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_VEC3] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "dvec3" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_VEC4] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 4, unsupported = true, glsl = "dvec4" }, [lo.GL_INT] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 1, bind = lo.glUniform1i, glsl = "int" }, [lo.GL_INT_VEC2] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 2, bind = lo.glUniform2i, glsl = "ivec2" }, [lo.GL_INT_VEC3] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 3, bind = lo.glUniform3i, glsl = "ivec3" }, [lo.GL_INT_VEC4] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 4, bind = lo.glUniform4i, glsl = "ivec4" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 1, bind = lo.glUniform1ui, glsl = "unsigned int" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 2, bind = lo.glUniform2ui, glsl = "uvec2" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 3, bind = lo.glUniform3ui, glsl = "uvec3" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 4, bind = lo.glUniform4ui, glsl = "uvec4" }, [lo.GL_BOOL] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 1, bind = lo.glUniform1f, glsl = "bool" }, [lo.GL_BOOL_VEC2] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 2, bind = lo.glUniform2f, glsl = "bvec2" }, [lo.GL_BOOL_VEC3] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 3, bind = lo.glUniform3f, glsl = "bvec3" }, [lo.GL_BOOL_VEC4] = { kind = vec_kind, dim = 4, bind = lo.glUniform4f, glsl = "bvec4" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 4, bind = lo.glUniformMatrix2fv, glsl = "mat2" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 9, bind = lo.glUniformMatrix3fv, glsl = "mat3" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 16, bind = lo.glUniformMatrix4fv, glsl = "mat4" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 6, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat2x3" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 8, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat2x4" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 6, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat3x2" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 12, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat3x4" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 8, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat4x2" }, [lo.GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 12, unsupported = true, glsl = "mat4x3" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 4, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat2" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 9, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat3" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 16, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat4" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 6, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat2x3" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 8, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat2x4" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 6, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat3x2" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x4] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 12, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat3x4" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x2] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 8, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat4x2" }, [lo.GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x3] = { kind = mat_kind, dim = 12, unsupported = true, glsl = "dmat4x3" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = false, glsl = "sampler1D" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = false, glsl = "sampler2D" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = false, glsl = "sampler3D" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "samplerCube" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler1DShadow" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DShadow" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler1DArray" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DArray" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler1DArrayShadow" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DArrayShadow" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DMS" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "samplerCubeShadow" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = false, glsl = "samplerBuffer" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DRect" }, [lo.GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "sampler2DRectShadow" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler1D" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler2D" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler3D" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "isamplerCube" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler1DArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler2DArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler2DMS" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = false, glsl = "isamplerBuffer" }, [lo.GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "isampler2DRect" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler1D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler3D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "usamplerCube" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2DArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2DArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2DMS" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = false, glsl = "usamplerBuffer" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "usampler2DRect" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "image1D" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "image2D" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "image3D" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "image2DRect" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "imageCube" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "imageBuffer" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "image1DArray" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "image2DArray" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "image2DMS" }, [lo.GL_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "image2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage1D" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage2D" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage3D" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage2DRect" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimageCube" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimageBuffer" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage1DArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage2DArray" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage2DMS" }, [lo.GL_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "iimage2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage1D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage2D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_3D] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage3D" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage2DRect" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 3, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimageCube" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimageBuffer" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage1DArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage2DArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage2DMS" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 2, unsupported = true, glsl = "uimage2DMSArray" }, [lo.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER] = { kind = samp_kind, dim = 1, unsupported = true, glsl = "atomic_uint" } }

local function err_gl(e) if e == lo.GL_NO_ERROR then return "no error" elseif e == lo.GL_INVALID_ENUM then return "invalid enum" elseif e == lo.GL_INVALID_VALUE then return "invalid value" elseif e == lo.GL_INVALID_OPERATION then return "invalid operation" elseif e == lo.GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION then return "invalid framebuffer operation" elseif e == lo.GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY then return "out of memory" else return string.format("unknown error %d", e) end end

local e = lo.glGetError () local loc = loc or "" if e ~= lo.GL_NO_ERROR then self:log(loc .. " GL error:" .. err_gl(e)) end end

lo.glFrontFace(lo.GL_CCW) lo.glDisable(lo.GL_CULL_FACE)

-- TODO move that to blend state or NOT lo.glEnable(lo.GL_BLEND) lo.glBlendEquation(lo.GL_FUNC_ADD) lo.glBlendFunc(lo.GL_SRC_ALPHA, lo.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) end

local geti = gl.hi.glGetIntegerv self.limits.max_vertex_attribs = geti(lo.GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) self.limits.max_vertex_uniform_comps = geti(lo.GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS ) self.limits.max_geometry_uniform_comps = geti(lo.GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS ) self.limits.max_fragment_uniform_comps = geti(lo.GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS ) self.limits.max_geometry_output_vertices = geti(lo.GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES) end

local bufferSpecForScalarType = { [Buffer.FLOAT] = { byte_count = 4, ffi_spec = "GLfloat[?]" }, [Buffer.DOUBLE] = { byte_count = 8, ffi_spec = "GLdouble[?]" }, [Buffer.INT] = { byte_count = 4, ffi_spec = "GLint[?]" }, [Buffer.UNSIGNED_INT] = { byte_count = 4, ffi_spec = "GLuint[?]" }, [Buffer.BYTE] = { byte_count = 1, ffi_spec = "GLbyte[?]" }, [Buffer.UNSIGNED_BYTE] = { byte_count = 1, ffi_spec = "GLubyte[?]" } }

local bufferUsageHintType = { [Buffer.UPDATE_NEVER] = lo.GL_STATIC_DRAW, [Buffer.UPDATE_SOMETIMES] = lo.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, [Buffer.UPDATE_OFTEN] = lo.GL_STREAM_DRAW }

local state = self.buffers[b] if state and not update then return state end

if not state then state = { id = gl.hi.glGenBuffer() } local function finalize () gl.hi.glDeleteBuffer( end state.finalizer = lk.Finalizer(finalize) self.buffers[b] = state end

local len = b:scalarLength() local gltype = typeGLenum[b.scalar_type] local spec = bufferSpecForScalarType[b.scalar_type] local bytes = spec.byte_count * len local data =, len, lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,

-- TODO if we don't change size use glSubBufferData lo.glBufferData(lo.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bytes, data, bufferUsageHintType[b.update]) b.updated = false if b.disposable then b:disposeBuffer() end return state end

local state = self.geometries[g] if state then for k, buffer in pairs( do if buffer.updated then self:bufferStateAllocate(buffer, true) end end if g.index.updated then self:bufferStateAllocate(g.index, true) state.index_length = g.index:scalarLength() end return state end

state = { vao = gl.hi.glGenVertexArray (), primitive = modeGLenum[g.primitive], index_length = g.index:scalarLength (), index_scalar_type = typeGLenum[g.index.scalar_type], index = nil, -- g.index buffer object id data = {}, -- maps keys to array with all info -- for binding the buffer object data_loc = {}} -- maps keys to current binding index function finalize () gl.hi.glDeleteVertexArray(state.vao) end state.finalizer = lk.Finalizer(finalize)


-- Allocate and bind index buffer local index = self:bufferStateAllocate(g.index) state.index = lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, state.index)

-- Allocate each vertex data buffer. for k, buffer in pairs( do local data = self:bufferStateAllocate(buffer) local gltype = typeGLenum[buffer.scalar_type][k] = { id =, dim = buffer.dim, scalar_type = gltype, normalize = buffer.normalize } state.data_loc[k] = nil -- never bound yet end

-- Important, unbind first the vao and then the index buffer lo.glBindVertexArray(0); lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)

self.geometries[g] = state return state end

local state = self.textures[t] local updated = t.updated or ( and if state and not updated then return state end

local img = nil if state and ( and then img = self:bufferStateAllocate(, true) if t.type == Texture.TYPE_BUFFER then -- No need to respecify the buffer return state end end

if not state then state = { id = gl.hi.glGenTexture() } local function finalize () gl.hi.glDeleteTexture( end state.finalizer = lk.Finalizer(finalize) self.textures[t] = state if then img = self:bufferStateAllocate(, false) end end

lo.glPixelStorei(lo.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) if img then lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, end local target = texTargetGLenum[t.type] local w, h, d = four.V3.tuple(t.size) lo.glBindTexture(target, if t.type == Texture.TYPE_1D then lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.mag_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.min_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_s]) lo.glTexImage1D(target, 0, texInternalFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], w, 0, texFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], typeGLenum[], nil) if (t.generate_mipmaps) then lo.glGenerateMipmap(target) end elseif t.type == Texture.TYPE_2D then lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.mag_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.min_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_s]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_t]) lo.glTexImage2D(target, 0, texInternalFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], w, h, 0, texFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], typeGLenum[], nil) if (t.generate_mipmaps) then lo.glGenerateMipmap(target) end elseif t.type == Texture.TYPE_3D then lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.mag_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texFilterGLenum[t.min_filter]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_s]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_t]) lo.glTexParameteri(target, lo.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, texWrapGLenum[t.wrap_r]) lo.glTexImage3D(target, 0, texInternalFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], w, h, d, 0, texFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], typeGLenum[], nil) if (t.generate_mipmaps) then lo.glGenerateMipmap(target) end elseif t.type == Texture.TYPE_BUFFER then lo.glTexBuffer(target,texInternalFormatGLenum[t.internal_format], end lo.glBindTexture(target, 0) lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0) t.updated = false return state end

lo.glBindVertexArray(gstate.vao) for a, aspec in pairs(estate.program.attribs) do if gstate.data_loc[a] ~= aspec.loc then -- Program binding doesn't correspond to vao binding, rebind all vao -- vertex attributes and leave outer loop. for a, aspec in pairs(estate.program.attribs) do local data =[a] if data then local ints = typeGLenumIsInt[data.scalar_type] local loc = aspec.loc lo.glBindBuffer(lo.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, lo.glEnableVertexAttribArray(loc) if ints then lo.glVertexAttribIPointer(loc, data.dim, data.scalar_type, 0, nil) else lo.glVertexAttribPointer(loc, data.dim, data.scalar_type, data.normalize, 0, nil) end gstate.data_loc[a] = loc else self:log(string.format("Geometry is missing %s attribute", a)) end end break end end end

local lines = lk.split(log,'\n') for i, l in ipairs(lines) do local function rewrite(pre, f, post) local file = tonumber(f) lines[i] = string.format("%s%s%s", pre, src.files[file], post) end string.gsub(l, self.super.error_line_pattern, rewrite) end return table.concat(lines,'\n') end

local s = lo.glCreateShader(type) gl.hi.glShaderSource(s, src.src) lo.glCompileShader(s) local fail = gl.hi.glGetShaderiv(s, lo.GL_COMPILE_STATUS) == lo.GL_FALSE if fail or self.super.debug then local msg = gl.hi.glGetShaderInfoLog(s) if msg ~= "" then self:log(self:rewriteShaderInfoLog(src, msg)) end end if fail then lo.glDeleteShader(s) s = -1 end return s end

lo.glLinkProgram(pid) local fail = gl.hi.glGetProgramiv(pid, lo.GL_LINK_STATUS) == lo.GL_FALSE if fail or self.super.debug then local msg = gl.hi.glGetProgramInfoLog(pid) if msg ~= "" then self:log(msg) end end return not fail end

local p = local a_name_max = gl.hi.glGetProgramiv(p,lo.GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH) local u_name_max = gl.hi.glGetProgramiv(p, lo.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH) local a_count = gl.hi.glGetProgramiv(p, lo.GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES) local u_count = gl.hi.glGetProgramiv(p, lo.GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS) local max_len = math.max(a_name_max, u_name_max) local s ="GLchar [?]", max_len) local len ="GLsizei [1]", 0) local size ="GLsizei [1]", 0) local type ="GLenum [1]", 0)

for loc = 0, a_count - 1, 1 do lo.glGetActiveAttrib(p, loc, max_len, len, size, type, s) local name = ffi.string (s, len[0]) pstate.attribs[name] = { loc = loc, type = type[0], size = size[0] } end

for i = 0, u_count - 1, 1 do lo.glGetActiveUniform(p, i, max_len, len, size, type, s) local name = ffi.string (s, len[0]) local type = type[0] local info = uniformTypeInfo[type] local size = size[0] if info == nil or info.unsupported then self:log(string.format("Unsupported uniform type: %s", info.glsl)) else if string.find(name, "%[%d%]") == nil then assert(size == 1) local loc = lo.glGetUniformLocation(p, name) pstate.uniforms[name] = { loc = loc, info = info } else -- Array of uniforms local locs = {} for i = 1,size do local aname = string.gsub(name, "%d", i - 1) locs[i] = lo.glGetUniformLocation(p, aname) end local n, _ = string.gsub(name, "%[%d%]", "") pstate.uniforms[n] = { locs = locs, info = info } end end end end

local glslPreamble = "#version 150 core"

local vsrc = effect:vertexShaderSource(glslPreamble) local gsrc = effect:geometryShaderSource(glslPreamble) local fsrc = effect:fragmentShaderSource(glslPreamble) local fullsrc = vsrc.src .. (gsrc and gsrc.src or "") .. fsrc.src local state = self.programs[fullsrc] if state then return state end

local state = { id = -1, attribs = {}, -- maps active attrib names to loc/type/siz uniforms = {}} -- maps active uniform names to loc/type/siz local function finalize () -- TODO it seems that Lua will sometime call the finalizer while -- state is still available in the weak table self.programs[fullsrc]. -- This may lead another effect to pick it up and use it even though -- it's no longer valid for OpenGL. We therefore clean the weaktable here. -- Something seems very broken and rotten (behaviour happens at least -- in Luajit 2.0.0). self.programs[fullsrc] = nil if ~= -1 then lo.glDeleteProgram( end end state.finalizer = lk.Finalizer(finalize)

-- Compile and link program local vid = self:compileShader(vsrc, lo.GL_VERTEX_SHADER) local gid = gsrc and self:compileShader(gsrc, lo.GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER) local fid = self:compileShader(fsrc, lo.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)

if vid ~= -1 and (gid == nil or gid ~= -1) and fid ~= -1 then local p = lo.glCreateProgram() lo.glAttachShader(p, vid); lo.glDeleteShader(vid) if gid then lo.glAttachShader(p, gid); lo.glDeleteShader(gid) end lo.glAttachShader(p, fid); lo.glDeleteShader(fid) if not self:linkProgram(p) then lo.glDeleteProgram(p) else = p self:setProgramInfo(state) end end

self.programs[fullsrc] = state return state end

local state = self.effects[effect] if state and not effect.program_changed then return state end

local state = { program = self:programStateAllocate(effect) } effect.program_changed = false self.effects[effect] = state return state end

if u == Effect.MODEL_TO_WORLD then return m2w elseif u == Effect.MODEL_TO_CAMERA then return self.world_to_camera m2w elseif u == Effect.MODEL_TO_CLIP then return self.camera_to_clip self.world_to_camera m2w elseif u == Effect.WORLD_TO_CAMERA then return self.world_to_camera elseif u == Effect.WORLD_TO_CLIP then return self.camera_to_clip self.world_to_camera elseif u == Effect.CAMERA_TO_CLIP then return self.camera_to_clip elseif u == Effect.MODEL_NORMAL_TO_CAMERA then -- We don't have a M3 type yet. Do it the had-hoc here. local m = M4.transpose(M4.inv(self.world_to_camera * m2w)) local m3 = { m[1], m[2], m[3], -- fst col m[5], m[6], m[7], -- snd col m[9], m[10], m[11] } -- trd col return m3 elseif u == Effect.CAMERA_RESOLUTION then return self.camera_resolution elseif u == Effect.RENDER_FRAME_START_TIME then return self.super.frame_start_time end return nil end

local str = string.format local GLFloatPtr = ffi.typeof("GLfloat [?]")

local m2w = o.transform and o.transform.matrix or () if o.geometry.pre_transform then m2w = m2w * o.geometry.pre_transform end

self.next_active_texture = 0 for u, uspec in pairs(estate.program.uniforms) do local info = local uv = effect.uniform(effect, cam, o, u) uv = uv or effect.default_uniforms[u]

if uv == nil then
  local name = uspec.locs and str("%s[%d]", u, #uspec.locs) or u
  self:log(str("Uniform value %s %s: not found", info.glsl, name))
elseif uspec.locs and type(uv) ~= "table" then
  local name = str("%s[%d]", u, #uspec.locs)
  self:log(str("Uniform value %s %s: found %s instead of table", 
               info.glsl, name, type(uv)))
elseif uspec.locs and #uv ~= #uspec.locs then 
  local name = str("%s[%d]", u, #uspec.locs)
  self:log(str("Uniform value %s %s: table too short (%d)", 
               info.glsl, name, #uv))
  local uvals = uspec.locs and uv or { uv }
  local locs = uspec.locs or { uspec.loc } 
  if info.kind == vec_kind then 
    if info.dim == 1 then
      for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
        local v = uvals[i]
        if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
          v = self:getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
        info.bind(loc, v)
    elseif info.dim == 2 then 
      for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
        local v = uvals[i]
        if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
          v = self:getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
        info.bind(loc, v[1], v[2])
    elseif info.dim == 3 then 
      for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
        local v = uvals[i]
        if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
          v = self:getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
        info.bind(loc, v[1], v[2], v[3])
    elseif info.dim == 4 then
      for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
        local v = uvals[i]
        if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
          v = self:getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
        info.bind(loc, v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4])
    else assert(false) 
  elseif info.kind == mat_kind then 
    for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
      local v = uvals[i]
      if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
        v = self:getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
      elseif v.type == 'four.Transform' then 
        v = v.matrix 
      local m = GLFloatPtr(info.dim, v)
      info.bind(loc, 1, lo.GL_FALSE, m)
  elseif info.kind == samp_kind then 
    for i, loc in ipairs(locs) do 
      local v = uvals[i]
      if type(v) == "table" and v.special_uniform then 
        v = getSpecialUniform(v, m2w)
      local t = self:textureStateAllocate(v)
      lo.glActiveTexture(lo.GL_TEXTURE0 + self.next_active_texture)
      local target = texTargetGLenum[v.type] 
      lo.glUniform1i(loc, self.next_active_texture)
      self.next_active_texture = self.next_active_texture + 1

end end

if r.cull_face == Effect.CULL_NONE then lo.glDisable(lo.GL_CULL_FACE) else lo.glEnable(lo.GL_CULL_FACE) if r.cull_face == Effect.CULL_FRONT then lo.glCullFace(lo.GL_FRONT) else lo.glCullFace(lo.GL_BACK) end end end

if not d.test then lo.glDisable(lo.GL_DEPTH_TEST) else lo.glEnable(lo.GL_DEPTH_TEST) lo.glDepthFunc(depthFuncGLenum[d.func]) if d.offset.factor == 0 and d.offset.units == 0 then lo.glDisable(lo.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) else lo.glEnable(lo.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) lo.glPolygonOffset(d.offset.factor, d.offset.units) end end

if d.write then lo.glDepthMask(lo.GL_TRUE) else lo.glDepthMask(lo.GL_FALSE) end end

local program = if program == -1 then return false end

-- TODO if all these GL calls are too expensive track current state in -- the renderer. Same goes for setupXXState() lo.glUseProgram(program) self:setupRasterizationState(effect.rasterization) self:setupDepthState(effect.depth) return true end

-- Setup viewport local wsize = self.super.size local x, y = V2.tuple(self.camera_viewport_origin) local w, h = V2.tuple(self.camera_resolution) lo.glViewport(x, y, w, h)

-- Clear buffers local cbits = 0 local color = cam.background.color local depth = cam.background.depth local stencil = cam.background.stencil

if color then local r, g, b, a = V4.tuple(color) lo.glClearColor(r, g, b, a) cbits = cbits + lo.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT end

if depth then lo.glClearDepth(depth) lo.glDepthMask(lo.GL_TRUE) -- if set to lo.GL_FALSE, clearing has no effect. cbits = cbits + lo.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT end

if stencil then lo.glClearStencil(stencil) cbits = cbits + lo.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT end

lo.glClear(cbits) end

self.world_to_camera = M4.inv(cam.transform.matrix) self.camera_to_clip = cam.projection_matrix

local wsize = self.super.size self.camera_viewport_origin = V2.mul(cam.viewport.origin, wsize) self.camera_resolution = V2.mul(cam.viewport.size, wsize) end

-- Renderer interface implementation

self:initGlState() self:getGlLimits() end

local get = gl.hi.glGetString return { vendor = get(lo.GL_VENDOR), renderer = get(lo.GL_RENDERER), version = get(lo.GL_VERSION), shading_language_version = get(lo.GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION), -- TODO segfaults extensions = gl.hi.glGetString(lo.GL_EXTENSIONS) } end

local pass = 0 local addPasses addPasses = function(e) if e.type and e.type == 'four.Effect' then local estate = self:effectStateAllocate(e) pass = pass + 1 self.queue[pass] = self.queue[pass] or { opak = {}, nopak = {} } local q = e.opaque and self.queue[pass].opak or self.queue[pass].nopak q[e] = q[e] or {} table.insert(q[e], o) else for _, ep in ipairs(e) do addPasses(ep) end end end

local gstate = self:geometryStateAllocate(o.geometry) local effect = cam.effect_override or o.effect addPasses(effect) end

local estate = self.effects[effect] if self:setupEffect(effect, estate) then for _, o in ipairs(batch) do self:effectBindUniforms(effect, estate, cam, o) local gstate = self.geometries[o.geometry] self:geometryStateBind(gstate, estate) lo.glDrawElements(gstate.primitive, gstate.index_length, gstate.index_scalar_type, nil) lo.glBindVertexArray(0) end end end