Very fast xml parser for Lua
This parser uses RapidXML to parse XML content.

MIT license © Marcin Kalicinski 2006, 2009, Gaspard Bucher 2014.
With luarocks:
$ luarocks install xml
Usage example
local data = xml.load(some_xml) local xml_string = xml.dump(some_table)
.VERSION = '1.1.2'
Current version respecting semantic versioning.
'lua >= 5.1, < 5.4'
Compatible with Lua 5.1 to 5.3 and LuaJIT
'lub >= 1.0.3, < 2'
Uses Lubyk base library
Lua table format
This xml library uses string keys in Lua tables to store attributes and numerical keys for sub-nodes. Since the 'xml' attribute is not allowed in XML, we use this key to store the tag. Here is an example of Lua content:
{xml='document', {xml = 'article', {xml = 'p', 'This is the first paragraph.'}, {xml = 'h2', class = 'opt', 'Title with opt style'}, }, {xml = 'article', {xml = 'p', 'Some ', {xml = 'b', 'important'}, ' text.'}, }, }
And the equivalent xml:
<document> <article> <p>This is the first paragraph.</p> <h2 class='opt'>Title with opt style</h2> </article> <article> <p>Some <b>important</b> text.</p> </article> </document>
Notes on speed
RapidXML is a very fast parser that uses in-place modification of the input text. Since Lua strings are immutable, we have to make a copy except for the xml.Parser.NonDestructive and xml.Parser.Fastest settings. With these types some xml entities such as <
are not translated.
See RapidXML for details.
Class methods
.load (string)
Parse a string
containing xml content and return a table. Uses xml.Parser with the xml.Parser.Default type.
.loadpath (path)
Parse the XML content of the file at path
and return a lua table. Uses xml.Parser with the xml.Parser.Default type.
.dump (table, max_depth)
Dump a lua table in the format described above and return an XML string. The max_depth
parameter is used to avoid infinite recursion in case a table references one of its ancestors.
Default maximal depth is 3000.
.removeNamespace (data, key)
This function finds the xmlns:NAME='KEY'
declaration and removes NAME:
from the tag names.
local data = xml.load [[ <foo:document xmlns:foo='bar'> <foo:name>Blah</foo:name> </foo:document> ]] xml.removeNamespace(data, 'bar') -- Result {xml = 'document', ['xmlns:foo'] = 'bar', {xml = 'name', 'Blah'}, }
.find (data, tag, attr_key, attr_value)
Recursively find the first table with a tag equal to tag
. This search uses to do an Iterative deepening depth-first search because we usually search for elements close to the surface.
For more options, use directly with a custom function.
You can also pass an attribute key and attribute value to further filter the searched node. This gives this function the same arguments as LuaXML's find function.
Usage examples:
local sect = xml.find(elem, 'simplesect', 'kind', 'section') print(xml.find(sect, 'title'))
The parser class is used to encapsulate parsing and settings in an object. When using default settings, it is not necessary to create parser objects and one can simply use xml.load.
xmlFIXME Implement platform flags for lut.Builder and see how it works with