
local version = { major = 0, minor = 5, patch = 1, } ----------------------------------------------------------

local defaults = { zone = 'default', version = version, service_type = '_lubyk._tcp', --- WebDAV port for live coding dav_port = 8103, -- This is set to false by lk.Patch so that lk.Process do not quit on closing windows. mimas_quit_on_close = true, -- The following settings are set in bootstrap loader lubyk.lua -- and are platform specific.

-- Main location for lubyk libraries lib = Lubyk and Lubyk.lib,

-- Platform code (linux,macosx,windows) plat= Lubyk and Lubyk.plat, }

Lubyk = lk.Settings('lk', defaults) -- Cannot be changed, no need for copy on write. Lubyk.version = defaults.version Lubyk.version_str = string.format('%i.%i.%i', version.major, version.minor, version.patch)

-- Default host name local function getMachineName() local file = io.popen('hostname') local name = file:read() local short_name = string.match(name or '', '^([^-.]+)') return short_name or name or 'unknown' end = getMachineName()