:setParam (k, value)
-- node metatable local lib = {type='lk.Node'} lib.__index = lib lk.Node = lib
-- node's environment metatable local env_mt= {} local private = {} local lubyk_mt = {} lubyk_mt.__index = lubyk_mt
setmetatable(lib, { __call = function(lib, ...) return end })
local env = {} -- new node local self = { -- Find inlet by name. Inlets not in slots.inlets are removed on GC. -- Do not change this field name: it is used by editor.Node. inlets = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'}), -- Find outlet by name. Outlets not in slots.outlets are removed on GC. -- Do not change this field name: it is used by editor.Node. outlets = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'}), -- GC protection of inlets and outlets. Here the slots are ordered. slots = { inlets = {}, outlets = {}, }, accessors = {}, env = env, errors = {}, name = name, process = process, } setmetatable(self, lib)
-- Table to declare and access outlets self.outlet_method = lk.OutletMethod(self)
-- env has read access to _G setmetatable(env, env_mt) env.lubyk = setmetatable({ -- Table to declare inlets. i = lk.InletMethod(self), -- Table to declare and access outlets. o = self.outlet_method, -- Table to declare and access parameters. p = lk.ParamMethod(self), -- Print to remote GUI print = function(...) self:log('info', ...) end, -- Log error or warning to GUI log = function(...) self:log(...) end,
-- PRIVATE _node = self,
}, lubyk_mt)
process.nodes[name] = self -- pending connection resolution self.pending_inlets = process.pending_nodes[name] or {} process.pending_nodes[name] = nil if code_str then self:eval(code_str) end return self end
-- metatable for the new global env in each -- node function env_mt.__index(env, name) -- if the variable exists in original _G, -- cache locally local gvar = _G[name] rawset(env, name, gvar) return gvar end
if self.parent then return self.parent:url() .. '/' .. else return self.process:url() .. '/' .. end end
-- function to reload code local code, err = loadstring(code_str, self:url()) if not code then self:error(err) return end
-- In case of error, we rollback local old_slots = self.slots
-- Reset list of GC protected slots. self.slots = { inlets = {}, outlets = {}, }
-- Clear cached outlet functions self.outlet_method:clear()
local old_accessors = self.accessors self.accessors = {}
-- code will execute in node's environment setfenv(code, self.env) -- We use sched pcall to enable yield during code eval (to -- launch mimas for example). local ok, err = sched:pcall(code) if not ok then self.slots = old_slots self.accessors = old_accessors self:error(err) else self:log('info', 'Script OK') self.code = code_str -- Unused inlets and outlets will be collected by the GC. end self.process.need_cleanup = true end
if definition.code and definition.code ~= self.code then self:eval(definition.code) elseif definition.class then local code = self.process:findClass(definition.class)
if code then -- Once the prototype is resolved, we remove 'class' information. definition.class = nil definition.code = code self:eval(code) else -- FIXME: set error on Node error(string.format("Could not find source code for '%s'.", self:url())) end
elseif not self.code then -- Try to find code local code = self.process:findCode(self:url() .. '.lua' ) if code then self:eval(code) else -- FIXME: set error on Node error(string.format("Could not find source code for '%s'.", self:url())) end end
for k, v in pairs(definition) do if k == '_' then -- load params after evaluating script code (so that -- allowed params and inlets are defined). local params = definition._ if params then self:setParams(params) end elseif k == 'source' or k == 'links' then -- ignore (we want to run these in a specific order) else self[k] = v end end
if not ignore_links then local links = definition.links if links then self:setLinks(links) end end end
self:log('error', ...) end
local fmt = string.format local all = {...} local f = all[1] local msg = '' if type(f) == 'table' then if f.__tostring then msg = tostring(f) else msg = tostring(f) end elseif all > 1 then for i, v in ipairs(all) do if i == 1 then msg = tostring(v) else msg = msg .. '\t'..tostring(v) end end else msg = tostring(f) end
self.process:notify { log = { url = self:url(), msg = msg, typ = typ, } } end
if string.match(url, '^/') then return url else return (self.parent or self.process):url() .. '/' .. url end end
function private:setLink(out_name, target_url, process) local outlet = self.outlets[out_name] if not outlet then self:error(string.format("Outlet name '%s' does not exist.", out_name)) else local slot, err = process:get(target_url, lk.Inlet) if slot == false then -- error self:error(err) elseif not slot then -- slot not found -- If the slot does not exist yet, make a draft to be used -- when the node creates the real inlet. slot, err = process:pendingInlet(target_url) if not slot then -- FIXME: store absolute path for 'target_url' in process pending list -- and resolve this list on node creation self:error(err) return end end -- connect to real or pending slot outlet:connect(slot) end end
function private:removeLink(out_name, target_url) print('REMOVE_LINK', out_name, target_url) local outlet = self.outlets[out_name] if outlet then outlet:disconnect(target_url) end end
local process = self.process for out_name, links in pairs(all_links) do if type(links) == 'string' then private.setLink(self, out_name, links, process) else for target_url, link_def in pairs(links) do if link_def then private.setLink(self, out_name, target_url, process) else private.removeLink(self, out_name, target_url) end end end end end
local function dumpSlots(list, links) local res = {} for _,slot in ipairs(list) do table.insert(res, slot:dump(links)) end return res end
return { name =, hue = self.hue, x = self.x, y = self.y, code = self.code, --- Params _ = private.dumpParams(self, true), inlets = dumpSlots(self.slots.inlets), outlets = dumpSlots(self.slots.outlets), } end
local res = {} for k, v in pairs(data) do if k == '_' then res[k] = private.dumpParams(self, v) elseif k ~= 'inlets' and k ~= 'outlets' and k ~= 'name' then -- 'inlets' and 'outlets' should never be in the data res[k] = self[k] end end
if data.code or data.links then -- code changes can alter slots: dump them
res.has_all_slots = true res.inlets = dumpSlots(self.slots.inlets) res.outlets = dumpSlots(self.slots.outlets, data.links) res._ = private.dumpParams(self, true)
end return res end
--- Node has been removed from patch, remove links and gc. -- self.fin = lk.Finalizer(function() -- print('* DELETED', -- end) -- Disconnect all links for _, outlet in ipairs(self.slots.outlets) do outlet:disconnectAll() end -- Remove from notification center self.process:onNotify(self, nil) self.env = nil self.process.need_cleanup = true end
local defaults = {} self.defaults = defaults local env = self.env local accessors = self.accessors for k, v in pairs(hash) do if type(k) ~= 'string' then self:error("Default keys must be strings.") end if type(v) == 'table' then -- Transform foo = {x = 3} to -- 'foo.x' => accessor local base = env[k] if not base then base = {} env[k] = base end -- Only one level deep. for sk, sv in pairs(v) do if type(sk) ~= 'string' then self:error(string.format("Default in '%s' must be a string.", k)) end local pname = k .. '.' .. sk if not accessors[pname] then accessors[pname] = function(value) -- This is executed during setParams. local rbase = env[k] if rbase then rbase[sk] = value -- So that param dump sees this value. env._pdump[pname] = rbase[sk] end local recv = accessors[k] if recv then recv(rbase) end end end -- This is done just once to set default values. defaults[pname] = sv env[pname] = sv if base[sk] == nil then base[sk] = sv end end else defaults[k] = v if env[k] == nil then -- Do not overwrite current values on script reload. env[k] = v local recv = accessors[k] if recv then recv(v) end end end end end
local p_node, p_params = {}, {}
local function doSetParams() local self, params = p_node, p_params -- Prepare for partial dump local pdump = {} self.pdump = pdump self.pdump_params = params local env = self.env -- Special pos.x accessors need to register -- set value in pdump directly. env._pdump = pdump local accessors= self.accessors local defaults = self.defaults or {} if params == true then -- Query asked for a dump of the params. pdump = defaults else for k, value in pairs(params) do if not defaults[k] then -- Error notification: Invalid param. self:error(string.format("Trying to set invalid parameter '%s'.", k)) else env[k] = value local recv = accessors[k] if recv then recv(value) -- 'receive' might set _pdump directly pdump[k] = pdump[k] or env[k] else pdump[k] = value end end end end -- Call 'param.changed' function in env if -- it exists. local func = accessors.changed if func then func(params) end end
--- Receive control events: update setting. p_node, p_params = self, params local ok, err = pcall(doSetParams) if not ok then p_node:error(err) end end
--- Receive a single param change from a source inside the process so -- we need to notify. local defaults = self.defaults or {} local accessors = self.accessors if not defaults[k] then -- Error notification: Invalid param. self:error(string.format("Trying to set invalid parameter '%s'.", k)) else self.env[k] = value local recv = accessors[k] if recv then recv(value) end -- Call 'param.changed' function in env if -- it exists. local func = accessors.changed if func then func({k = value}) end end self.process:notify { -- YUCK ! FIXME: Why don't we use an alternative messaging method with -- string urls: notify('/foo/bar/_/baz', value) ? nodes = { [] = { _ = {[k] = value}, }, }, } end
function private:dumpParams(params) if params == self.pdump_params then -- Optimization, send partial dump back. return self.pdump else local defaults = self.defaults if defaults then local env = self.env local res = {} if params == true then -- Dump all for k, in pairs(defaults) do res[k] = env[k] end else for k, in pairs(params) do -- Invalid param ? if not defaults[k] then -- Mark as invalid res[k] = {} else res[k] = env[k] end end end return res else return nil end end end
-- lubyk() function lubyk_mt:__call() return self.i, self.o, self.p, self.print end
function lubyk_mt:setParam(...) self._node.process:setParam(self, ...) end
function lubyk_mt:info() return { name =, url = self.node:url(), } end
-- register a function that should be called if there is a -- notification function lubyk_mt:onNotify(callback) self._node.process:onNotify(self.node, callback) end
lib.DEFAULT_CODE = [=[ --[[------------------------------------------------------
foo | does this. |
bar | does that. |
bang | does blah. |