
:__call (...)

local lib = {type='lk.ParamMethod'} lib.__index = lib lk.ParamMethod = lib

setmetatable(lib, {__call = function(lib, ...) return end})

-- Create param method/accessor for a given node local self = { node = node, inlets = node.inlets, env = node.env, } -- Takes a target link like '/a/metro/_/tempo' -- /[process]/node/_/[param name] local target = node:url() local parts = lk.split(target, '/') -- Remove '' element and process name. table.remove(parts, 1) table.remove(parts, 1) -- [node, sub-node, ...] -- Build msg template. local msg = {nodes = {}} local path = msg.nodes for i, part in ipairs(parts) do -- mst.nodes[part] = {} path[part] = {} -- move down path = path[part] end self.msg = msg self.param_list = path setmetatable(self, lib) return self end

local env = self.env if type(value) == 'function' then -- Create an accessor for parameter 'k' -- or the special 'changed' callback. self.node.accessors[k] = value elseif type(value) == 'table' then -- Change parameter 'k' and notify. -- param.pos= {x = 1, y = 2} -- This is used from inside lk.Node. local old = env[k] if not old then -- This is an error error("Setting invalid parameter '%s'", k) end local changed = false local notify = {} for sk, sv in pairs(value) do if old[sk] ~= sv then changed = true old[sk] = sv notify[sk] = sv end if changed then -- Notify self.param_list._ = { [k] = notify, } self.node.process:notify(self.msg) end end else -- Change parameter 'k' and notify. -- = 45.5 -- This is used from inside lk.Node. local old = env[k] if old ~= value then env[k] = value -- Notify self.param_list._ = { [k] = env[k], } self.node.process:notify(self.msg) end end end

-- Declare parameters. self.node:declareParams(...) end